Vietnamese Lantern Festival

If you would like to participate, please see the requirements in “Rules & Regulations” and fill out the “Registration Form” and return the completed form to the VWAT Family Services office (1756 St. Clair Ave W).
Deadline to enter the competition is no later than 12:00PM on Saturday, August 15,2015.
The áo dài is a popular Vietnamese cultural costume. In its current form, it is a tight-fitting silk tunic worn over pantaloons. Áo, classifies the item as a piece of clothing on the upper part of the body. Dài, means "long".
How it sounds like:
Áo sounds like ow.
Dài sounds like eye, but with a “y” sound at the front. (There’s no D sound!)
The Áo Dài competition is sponsored by a Toronto-based fashion designer, Thien le. You may purchase or design your own Áo Dài and enter this runway-styled competition. There will be prizes awarded to the contestant with the best dress, catwalk, and overall presentation!
Competition Categories
Older Adult (ages 40 and over)
Adult/Youth (ages 13-39)
Children (ages 12 and under)
Winners will receive:
Older Adult: 2 tickets to the Fashions for Passions Gala ($320 value!)
Adult/Youth: A Beauty gift Basket ($150 value!)
Children: $75 Toy’s R Us gift card
Don’t forget, this event is all about fun; we want to focus on families coming out and everyone enjoying a community event. With that in mind, we look forward to seeing pretty dresses, practised catwalk presentations, and above all, smiles from all.
For more information contact:
Catherine Nguyen
647-723-2165 ext.115